About ICCC and Rustrol® Systems
Interprovincial Corrosion Control has been providing corrosion control/cathodic protection materials and professional engineering services to most major end users throughout Canada since 1957. ICCC is recognized by ‘NACE’ with accredited Corrosion Engineering staff, specializing in the protection of buried, immersed or above ground steel structures including:
- underground storage tanks, pipelines, petroleum refineries, elevated water storage tanks, et al.
utilizing the proven technique of “Cathodic Protection”.

Quality, Expertise and Knowledge
ICCC manufactures a variety of product lines, i.e. galvanic (magnesium and zinc anodes) and impressed current anodes, cathodic protection equipment, including the Rustrol® Polarization Cell and Cathodic Isolator Systems™: providing confidence to the owner that their valued investment in steel remains secure!
The Gasoline Handling Act states the following:
“The corrosion protection system for an underground storage tank system shall be tested and certified in writing to the owner to be in working order by a person certified by NACE or an engineer at intervals not exceeding (2) years and the record of testing and certification shall be retained by the owner.”
(Gasoline Handling Act, Revised Status of Ontario, Sept 1993, Chapter G4, Section 5, Paragraph 34.)
ICCC believes that with 65+ years in the corrosion control business, our company has the expertise, knowledge, quality control and manpower to manufacture high quality products and provide engineering services with “on-time” deliveries.